

Abacus is known to be the first calculating device developed by mankind and is also called forefather of computer. Every ancient civilization in the world used the Abacus.



FBA is developed by a group of professionals. Goal is to make learning more lively and fun. It gives room for every individual to improve their visualization, imagination and creativity.

Fast Brain Abacus Prgramme

FBA Programme

Indeed a very effective brain development programme. Techniques learned can be directly applied in school academics and in daily life. It builds child's self-esteem which increases their confidence level.

Introduction - Fast Brain Abacus Academy

Our education system is predominantly a "Memory Testing" system. With so much to learn everyday, understand, remember, face examinations and then remember it for the rest of your life for possible applications is simply tiring!

In today's world stress has become a part and parcel of our life looking at school children trudging through the campus is a wonderful feast to our eyes. Today's children are not only carrying the colorful heavy school bags on their back but also the ever increasing expectations of their parents. Piled with huge burden, you can see the spark missing in their eyes-blame it on the rigours of a highly competitive world and those parents who have set such high standards. The process begins in pre-school, and there seems to be no end to how difficult it gets.

Never before the subject of Brain Science received as much attention as it is receiving today. The increased interest does indicate the uncovered distance that we have to travel in this field. Experiments show that most children rank highly creative (right brain) before entering the school. Because our educational systems place a higher value on left brain skills such as mathematics, logic and language than it does on drawing or using our imagination, only ten percent of these same children will rank highly creative by age. By the time we are adults, high creativity remains in only 2 percent of the population.

Catering to the need of the modern world where competition begins at younger age this FBA Programme is developed by a group of professionals. The general idea of the whole programme is to make learning more lively and fun. It gives room for every individual to improve their visualization, imagination and creativity. It is indeed a very effective right and left brain development programme. Techniques learned throughout can be directly applied in the school academics, not only in math but in other subjects like Literature, Geography, History and other Formulae as well along with it can be applied in daily life. It also builds child's self-esteem which increases their confidence level.